Sunday, November 4, 2007


I woke up this morning with an unusually calmness. As I rise up from bed and glance over towards the window I observe the lucid, soothing sound of rain.


The sound of rain falling—echoing as thousands upon thousands of water droplets crash into trees, buildings, grass, roads, cars, or just puddles where their ancestors has gone before.


I just gaze at the beauty--seeming to wash away the impurities of the world. The filth and grime of the world fade away from existence as the droplets one-by-one, slowly binds themselves to the filth as the water pours into drains.


As I continued to gaze out the window, I witness people scurrying off to find shelter or pull out umbrellas to shield them from the rain—they shield themselves from the essential source of life—it is part of our very being.


I leave my room, my world of refuge and protection, to go outside to fulfill this side of me that yearn for the feeling of rain falling upon me. As I enter this world of purification—I consider it necessary to walk down the sidewalk to witness this cleansing in other places. I stare unto the sky as I travel down the sidewalk—thinking to myself exactly how many rain drops am I staring at the moment? Each drop that falls covers barely the top part of a blade of grass, but yet puddles and streams are forming around me—making it impossible to fathom exactly how many drops are falling all around me as I look around me.


Almost as soon as I realized it was raining when I had risen from my bed—it had stop. And just had the rain stop—so did life at the moment. There is no sounds of people voices, no sounds of animals—just silence. Rain seems to almost have the supernatural ability to not only cleanse the earth, but it almost seems like it has the ability to stop time. But as the clouds disperse and the sunlight enters the world—life begins again.


Murderanda said...

I like this Baby!! I love yOu!!

cchilds5 said...

If you only knew...