Friday, November 9, 2007

Driving through the Night

Anytime I am about to embark on a journey that requires me to travel through the night, I get this excitement that builds up within myself. I not exactly sure why is it that I am always so eager to drive through the night. This includes four hour trips to the beach to five minute drives to the grocery store. If the opportunity of driving through the darkness of nights is available to me, then I do not hesitate one bit to take up on that offer. I often wonder what the reasons are for me having such a fascination with traveling through the night.

Maybe it is the idea of how many unexpected things can happen at night that makes me want to drive in the night. A person can feel so vulnerable and afraid when they do not exactly know what their surrounds are around them. I think it could be for that reason why I like driving through the night. The idea that only thing that is providing me the ability to drive through the night is the headlights on the car. If the headlights goes out then not only I am consume in the darkness and deprive the ability to continued on with my journey, but I am in a situation that gives me an adrenaline rush as I have no idea what could happen to me. The mind is a powerful weapon that can make you believe that anything can harm you when your sight is taking from you. Maybe if that is not the case, then it is how different the environment is around you when you travel through the dark. When driving up a mountain or driving through a heavy forested area, objects appear much more different when they are presented in the daylight. It is almost like entering a completely different world. When I drive up a mountain with trees far as the eye can see in the dark, it sometimes reminds of some kind of setting of a Tim Burton movie. Just how what looks like trees in the daylight with a little darkness can make the harmless trees into large, creepy people reaching for your vehicle at night.

Yes, the idea of not being aware of your surroundings can give anybody a decent amount of adrenaline to the brain, but I think I have other reasons for having a strong attraction of driving through the dark. Anytime I have to travel to Myrtle Beach for vacation I know this one stretch of road that I know I have to drive on it during the night. It is somewhere in South Carolina that has hardly any houses or lights. Also, the environment is just an open field with little or no trees. When I travel through this area at night I love to gaze upon the thousands of stars in the sky. I am use to live in an area that lets me see a view stars, but it amazes exactly how many stars can fill up the sky in the one special area of South Carolina. It is a relaxing and calming feeling when I see these things when I am driving through the night. I am a big fan of listening to metal and rock music while I am driving long distances, but it is times like this when I slowly turn down the volume to a mute and roll down the window to just embrace the fresh air of the night. It is when I drive through the night; nature reveals its mysterious, quiet beauty that is always hidden during the daylight. Seeing the sun set out into the west are the rare times that the dark beauty of nature reveals itself. Some people may perceive the dark night as melancholy and gloomy, but I believe that the dark night has a calming effect that allows me to slow down and reflect on my life.

So it is a possibility of the excitement of not knowing where I am in the dark and the calmness of the night that makes me eager when somebody asks me if I care to drive in the dark. Sometimes I think there are things in life you just can not explain through words, but only through experience. My experiences in driving through the night have not always been good. I have been pulled over for speeding and have drove into ditches during times of driving through the dark. Events such as these or numerous other types of examples might discourage people from driving through the dark, but I am not one of those people. I choose to risk my life as the unexpected is always wanting for you when driving through the night. I think people with this fear of driving through the night are unnecessary. Never let your life be hinder by experiences that you think are to terrifying to experience again. Learn from the mistakes of those experiences and applying to helping others or yourself in the future. I am truly addicted to driving in the night because I want to have more experiences of life that I can use to help others and myself. Think about that next time you drive to the grocery store at night.

I know I will.

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