Sunday, November 4, 2007

What to Blog About?

Blogs have become the most recent type of communication that can express what is on the minds of the modern day public. People can just simply write whatever they want to type about and post it on the internet. This phenomenon has exploded because of how easy it is to type up a blog. People can express their opinions and even have other people commit back on their opinions. Sometimes the commits can be an in-dept, critical analysis or can be a simple response such as “I agree.” The statement, “the sky is the limit” truly applies towards the power of the blogs and how people use them to voice their opinions.

Sometimes when people are given the ability to type anything they want the public to know, then they end up not sure what subject they want to talk about. Blogs does not have any rules or regulations of what topics can and can not be cover. Blogs can be about a personal life experience. Life experiences that anybody can relate to because it affects them just like everybody else. Blogs can deal with politics and people opinions on certain important issues. A blog does not even have to cover life experiences or politics. A person can write a poem about peanut butter. A free verse, rhyme verse, haiku, or just any style of writing can be used in a blog. Sometimes blogs does not need any typing what so ever. A person with a digital camcorder can record themselves and place the video on the blog site. People can not only listen to what the author has to say, but they now know what the author looks like. Blogs can be about history, science, math, literature, and even about physical education. Blogs can be about reviews of music, concerts, movies, sports, or any type of event. A very creative person can even provide cryptic blogs where only a certain number of people know what he is talking about because they know the truth about the cryptic blog message.

There is absolutely no limit to what a person can post on a blog site. Not only is that kind of power given to the author of that blog, but that power is even provided for the people who reply back to the blog. They too have unlimited amount of ways to respond to the blog that is before them. They can agree with the person or completely shut down and reject what the author of the blog wrote about.

Blogs have truly become a powerful tool for not just the United States of America, but the entire world. People from different cultures can commit on the same issues that affect them and everyone else. The world is truly growing smaller place because people from different parts of the world give their own opinion as other parts of the world replied back to them. The internet has given the world more access to exchanging information, but blogs allow people of the world not just have the ability to write about poems about peanut butter, but people from different countries and cultures can know about the poems about peanut butter.

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