Thursday, November 29, 2007

Learning from the Living

The demon boy will find his place in this world of pleasure and pain.
Will they learn the faults of the world’s profligacy?
Tell me this oh fools of the netherworld.
Can we seek the truth through the eyes of the dead?

We can learn from the mistakes of the dead.
As the dead can make only so many—as they have no point living.
But as for the living that walk around us,
What can they teach us?

Teach us to follow what one says because it is right,
Teach us to answer without any questions,
Teach us to become the existing and not the non-existing,
The living has guidelines that one must follow to be independent of oneself.

Will answers be answered by taking the lives of the living?
Will the demon boy find the truth of his existence—
Through depriving his body of blood—
Blood that brings sorrow to those without an existence.

Truth can be found in these living dead creatures—
The truth of comprehending hypocrisy in its purest form.
A death of inconvenience can never cleanse your soul—
As your so called cleanse soul—have now stain the souls of others

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