Thursday, August 20, 2009


dork menes walel penes.

Funny Things about Fight Club ;)

i like the guy with big bobs

bild-a-bearworkshop dog

my bild-a-bear dog has a spiderman outfit.i think it is cool.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Learning from the Living

The demon boy will find his place in this world of pleasure and pain.
Will they learn the faults of the world’s profligacy?
Tell me this oh fools of the netherworld.
Can we seek the truth through the eyes of the dead?

We can learn from the mistakes of the dead.
As the dead can make only so many—as they have no point living.
But as for the living that walk around us,
What can they teach us?

Teach us to follow what one says because it is right,
Teach us to answer without any questions,
Teach us to become the existing and not the non-existing,
The living has guidelines that one must follow to be independent of oneself.

Will answers be answered by taking the lives of the living?
Will the demon boy find the truth of his existence—
Through depriving his body of blood—
Blood that brings sorrow to those without an existence.

Truth can be found in these living dead creatures—
The truth of comprehending hypocrisy in its purest form.
A death of inconvenience can never cleanse your soul—
As your so called cleanse soul—have now stain the souls of others

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Book Review: The Hound of the Baskervilles

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous character, Sherlock Holmes, once again proved himself to be one of the most observant detectives in the detective fiction world. In the mystery, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Sherlock manages to solve the case of the myth about a supernatural hound that hunts down the Baskerville family. This intriguing story keeps the reader addicted and captivated into the plot of the story.

In The Hound of the Baskervilles, the setting of the story was set around the time of 1889 due to the fact that was the year of the cane given to James Mortimer. At this time, the Victorian Age was beginning and ready for the turn of the century. People of this time believed that they had a reputation to uphold and had to present themselves to be more knowledgeable and better manner than anybody else. This type of personality can be found in The Hound of the Baskervilles with many of the character especially with Sherlock Holmes. Although back in modern times today when people who read Sherlock now may perceive him to being egotistical and self-absorbed. This type of personality was not look down upon in the Victorian society. When in the beginning of the novel where Sherlock seems to be insulting Watson’s intelligence for Watson trying to solve the owner of the cane, such sentences like, “Some people possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it. I confess, my dear fellow, that I am very much in your debt (Discovering Sherlock Holmes).” The attitude that Sherlock demonstrates to Watson is enjoyed by many Victorians as they believe in flaunting their intelligence.

The style of writing that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used in his story, The Hound of the Baskervilles, dealt with intriguing writing that brings the reader into the story, gothic literature, and the element of mystery. In order for this style of story to be replicated, the writer would have to master the writing skills of keeping the reader on the edge of their seats. Doyle manages to keep his reader into the story by letting them try to solve the case for themselves. Although it is known in numerous Sherlock Holmes stories that only Sherlock has the information to solve the case and not the reader. However; the reader love the fact that they can try to wrack their brain over how the cased could be solved. As more clues are brought into the story, the more interested the reader is into the story. This Sherlock Holmes story revolves around a dark, foggy moor with an evil, demon hound that hunts down the Baskerville family and kills them one by one. This is a form of gothic literature that was very popular in the Victorian Age. The idea of a character making a deal with the devil to achieve his goal makes the reader intrigue of what will happen to that character and anybody else involved. The dark mood in the story has an eerie feeling that keeps the reader in wonder of what might happen next. The next element of the story would be the element of mystery. This style of writing keeps the reader in a vague idea of what is exactly going on in the story. The reasoning for doing this is to keep the reader wanting to find out what happens next in the story which they allow themselves to continue on reading to find out what happens next. The writing hooks the reader into wanting to find out what happens in the story towards the very end.

This was an exciting style of writing especially during the time period of the Victorian Age. This style of writing during the turn of the century was probably some sort of release valve for the people during this time. These types of novels have a great appeal to the people who have very boring and dry lives. These people, such as the classic Victorian Age wife, only had to clean the house, take care of the kids, and make food for the family and nothing else new. These daily everyday routines during the Victorian Age created a need for something that can give them a rush. A Sherlock Holmes novel such as The Hound of the Baskervilles had the excitement that people during that time needed in order to satisfy that urge of something new. The Victorian Age people lead very strict and mundane lives that kept them repress of doing anything that would be consider unorthodox. Reading these Sherlock Holmes stories allow them to be the noble Victorians, but yet were able to satisfy their urges for excitement.

Sherlock Holmes is still a famous character today in the modern world. Although people do not read books as much as people did back in the Victorian Age due to the inventions of radio, television and internet, when the name “Sherlock Holmes” is mention then most people have a good idea to know who exactly Sherlock Holmes is due to his famous detective skills. Sherlock Holmes stories are still popular and interesting in the modern world because people are still interested in detective work. When people watch shows like CSI or similar shows, they are given certain evidence and given the opportunity to solve the case. But in reality, the people who try to following along usually do not have the same information to solve the case like the characters do on the show. This is the same example that goes for Sherlock Holmes stories. As the reader tries to solve the case with the clues given to them, Sherlock is always one step ahead since he has information that the reader does not have. But either in the Victorian Age or all the way through the modern times, people love to reader these thrillers, mystery stories. People have this natural attraction for crimes that seem insolvable, but with the right information and the right character then that case is consider case closed.

“Discovering Sherlock Holmes.” The Hound of the Baskervilles. A Community Reading Project From Stanford University. Stanford University. 2006. 11/12/07.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Problem with Big-Box Stores

Everybody knows the famous Wal-mart slogan, “Everyday Low Prices.” When you think about a store that has about every single item you can possibly think of within a reasonable walking distance, then you think to yourself how could a store like this could have a harmful effect on the economy and society. These big box stores such as Wal-Mart, Home Depots, Target, K-Mart, and numerous other big box stores all share the hidden problems rarely seen by the public.

Big box stores such as Wal-Mart cause numerous different problems for the economy in the United States. These stores are creating a huge class of low-paid, non-union workers who can not afford basic needs such as health insurance or school lunches for children. They are forcing U.S. Suppliers to manufacture products in low-wage countries overseas in order to meet demands for increasingly low prices. They cost the American taxpayers millions of dollars in road construction, public safety, poor health care coverage, and sending manufacturing business overseas.

In a study compiled by the University of California, at the Berkeley labor institute, the average Wal-Mart employee in California earns 31 percent less than the average employee at other large retail stores. The average Wal-mart employee’s wage in California is around $9.70 as other retailers in California is around $14.01. This same study states that fewer Wal-Mart employees are covered by company-based health insurance. This will result in the Wal-Mart employees, who have families to support, having to use more taxpayer subsidized public assistance such as health care and food stamps. Wal-mart offers inadequate health insurance plans, throwing more health care responsibility to the workers. Wal mart encourages employees to seek charitable and public assistance for meeting health care needs. The amount of public assistance used yearly by employees of Wal-mart ranges around $1,952 as the other retail stores employees averages around $1,401. These big box retailers carry hidden costs. In addition to millions of dollars in tax breaks and other government subsidies paid to big discounters, these companies often pay below-subsistence wages. The average Wal-mart clerk made $8.23 an hour in 2001 or $13,861 a year, below the federal poverty line of $14, 630 for a family of three. The study from University of California, Berkeley found that Wal-mart employees in California cost taxpayers 86 million dollars due to reliance on government services.

These big box stores have a representation of putting smaller stores out of business because they can not compete to the big box stores ridiculously low prices. These big box stores such as Wal-Mart or Home Depots have harmed the economy by putting these small town businesses out of business. A local community of small owned stores has three times more money stay in the local economy when goods and services are brought from locally owned businesses instead being bought at these national chains and big box stores. According to a study, the percentage of revenues spent in the local and state economy of a locally owned business is 53.3%. As the big box stores only have 14.1% of revenues spent for the local and state economy. Because of stores like Wal-Mart having about every kind of item a consumer can possibly think of buying, bookstores, music retailers, electronic chains and supermarkets are struggling to compete with the low prices of Wal-Mart. Even stores like Toys “R” Us announced that it might abandon the toy business due to the more successful toy sales of Wal-Mart. Not only does these stores cause problems for businesses trying to sell, but also cause problems for the manufacturing businesses. Wal-Mart demands companies that the suppliers have to lower their wholesale prices or they will threaten that manufacturing company by find another business that will help them. This forces these manufacturing companies to send their business overseas to places like Mexico, China, or other oversea manufacturing plants. This in the end results in more jobless Americans. Levi Strauss & Co., America’s ironic jean maker, shuttered all its North American manufacturing plants in the past two years, eliminating some 5,600 jobs; foreign factories now handle the work.

These big box stores such as Wal-Mart have also use strategies such as creating 325 “dead” stores in America. These are stores which used to be a Wal-Mart, but decided to move their business somewhere else. However; they still own the empty store and will refuse to let it be occupied by other brand of big box store. These big box stores have made a negative impact on America’s economy and needs to be regulated before any more harmful actions are done towards the American economy and people.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Driving through the Night

Anytime I am about to embark on a journey that requires me to travel through the night, I get this excitement that builds up within myself. I not exactly sure why is it that I am always so eager to drive through the night. This includes four hour trips to the beach to five minute drives to the grocery store. If the opportunity of driving through the darkness of nights is available to me, then I do not hesitate one bit to take up on that offer. I often wonder what the reasons are for me having such a fascination with traveling through the night.

Maybe it is the idea of how many unexpected things can happen at night that makes me want to drive in the night. A person can feel so vulnerable and afraid when they do not exactly know what their surrounds are around them. I think it could be for that reason why I like driving through the night. The idea that only thing that is providing me the ability to drive through the night is the headlights on the car. If the headlights goes out then not only I am consume in the darkness and deprive the ability to continued on with my journey, but I am in a situation that gives me an adrenaline rush as I have no idea what could happen to me. The mind is a powerful weapon that can make you believe that anything can harm you when your sight is taking from you. Maybe if that is not the case, then it is how different the environment is around you when you travel through the dark. When driving up a mountain or driving through a heavy forested area, objects appear much more different when they are presented in the daylight. It is almost like entering a completely different world. When I drive up a mountain with trees far as the eye can see in the dark, it sometimes reminds of some kind of setting of a Tim Burton movie. Just how what looks like trees in the daylight with a little darkness can make the harmless trees into large, creepy people reaching for your vehicle at night.

Yes, the idea of not being aware of your surroundings can give anybody a decent amount of adrenaline to the brain, but I think I have other reasons for having a strong attraction of driving through the dark. Anytime I have to travel to Myrtle Beach for vacation I know this one stretch of road that I know I have to drive on it during the night. It is somewhere in South Carolina that has hardly any houses or lights. Also, the environment is just an open field with little or no trees. When I travel through this area at night I love to gaze upon the thousands of stars in the sky. I am use to live in an area that lets me see a view stars, but it amazes exactly how many stars can fill up the sky in the one special area of South Carolina. It is a relaxing and calming feeling when I see these things when I am driving through the night. I am a big fan of listening to metal and rock music while I am driving long distances, but it is times like this when I slowly turn down the volume to a mute and roll down the window to just embrace the fresh air of the night. It is when I drive through the night; nature reveals its mysterious, quiet beauty that is always hidden during the daylight. Seeing the sun set out into the west are the rare times that the dark beauty of nature reveals itself. Some people may perceive the dark night as melancholy and gloomy, but I believe that the dark night has a calming effect that allows me to slow down and reflect on my life.

So it is a possibility of the excitement of not knowing where I am in the dark and the calmness of the night that makes me eager when somebody asks me if I care to drive in the dark. Sometimes I think there are things in life you just can not explain through words, but only through experience. My experiences in driving through the night have not always been good. I have been pulled over for speeding and have drove into ditches during times of driving through the dark. Events such as these or numerous other types of examples might discourage people from driving through the dark, but I am not one of those people. I choose to risk my life as the unexpected is always wanting for you when driving through the night. I think people with this fear of driving through the night are unnecessary. Never let your life be hinder by experiences that you think are to terrifying to experience again. Learn from the mistakes of those experiences and applying to helping others or yourself in the future. I am truly addicted to driving in the night because I want to have more experiences of life that I can use to help others and myself. Think about that next time you drive to the grocery store at night.

I know I will.